Hair and pics

Hair and pics 

Tips and how to’s on what to do with your hair in pics?

It's no secret that sometimes we are about to get our picture taken and remember at the very last second if we put our hair in place. Later on the picture we realize that we
could´ve done a few last minute retouches and tweaks to look even prettier in pics!

But no worries, here are a few tricks and tips on what to do 

First, if you´re wearing your hair down you can simply grab it all and place it in both shoulders so it looks nice and shiny. Of course if you have more time to prepare hair accessories can be super nice and helpful for this trick!

In addition, if you don´t really feel like staying put you can move it around and simply play with, making sure that you do it in an aesthetically pleasing way of course! What I mean by this is by making sure you are grabbing your hair in a delicate and pretty way and not simply pulling it around, that won ´t look as pretty. On the other hand, make you that you are taking the correct portion of hair and not just little or huge strands of hair. 

Last but not least, have fun and enjoy yourself! remember that we transmit what we are feeling to pictures, so just enjoy yourself and the moment!



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